Course Schedules in Mindfulness and Autogenic Training
Mindfulness Now Group Courses
Ian Ross is a Mindfulness Teacher, and a Spring 2024 group is at present in progress.
The next group course is scheduled for the autumn, starting in October 2024. Further details of this will be posted in the coming months.
These courses consist of eight weekly sessions, with a consolidation 9th session several weeks after Session 8.
For further Background Information regarding these courses:
Link to further information here
Venue: Gullane, East Lothian.
- For further information, please contact:
Autogenic Training Courses
Ian Ross no longer runs Autogenic Group courses on a regular basis.
Background information regarding group course
Ian Ross ran Autogenic Training (AT) courses at the Rose Garden Medical Centre, Leith, Edinburgh, from 1994 to 2017. Subsequently, these were curtailed following administrative changes within NHS Lothian.
During 2018 Ian ran two courses in Leith, including an Autumn Course run at the Education Department of the Sikh Temple, Mill Lane, Leith.
2019: Two group courses were run during the Spring at The Barefoot Sanctuary, North Berwick. In the early Spring of 2020 a group course for those with persistent Lyme Disease Symptoms was run at Napiers in Edinburgh.
One to one Autogenic courses 2023 and beyond:

- Please note that other British Autogenic Society (BAS) registered therapists can be found through the BAS website.